rabbitleap package


rabbitleap.consumer module

The Consumer is the main part of RabbitLeap framework. It’s responsible for connecting to RabbitMQ, besides, receiving, acknowledging, and rejecting messages. It handles connection failures and automatically reconnects to RabbitMQ. The consumer consumes a share or exclusive RabbitMQ queue.

When the Consumer receives a message from RabbitMQ, it packages the message properties, payload, and delivery information in an Envelope object, preparing it for handling. The envelope then, is routed to its handler by the Router, which the consumer relies on to route envelopes to their handlers.

The consumer can be configured with a retry policy. The RetryPolicy defines how to do handling retries incase a timeout or an error happens.

class rabbitleap.consumer.Consumer(amqp_url, queue_name, durable=True, exclusive=False, dlx_name=None, auto_reconnect=True, auto_reconnect_delay=3)[source]

Bases: rabbitleap.routing.RuleRouter

RabbitMQ Consumer.

Public Methods:

start(): start consumer.

stop(): stop consumer.

restart(): restart consumer.

abort(): reject message.

skip(): skip message handling.

error(): raise HandlingError exception to report a handling error.

add_exchange_bind(): add exchange bind to the bindings list.

add_rule(): add a routing rule to the routing rules list.

set_default_rule(): set default routing rule to catch all unmatched messages

add_handler(): add handler, it creates a routing rule then add it to the routing rules list.

set_default_handler(): set default handler, it creates a rule then set it as default routing rule

set_retry_policy(): set a retry policy

unset_retry_policy(): un-set retry policy


Abort handling the message.

This can be called during pre_handle() or handle() to abort handling. It raises AbortHandling exception. The exception is handled by the consumer, and causes the consumer to reject the message.

Raise:AbortHandling when called

NOTE: when called inside the handler, the handler MUST re-raise AbortHandling exception to the consumer, in case the exception is handled inside.

Parameters:reason (str) – Reason for aborting handling the message
add_exchange_bind(exchange_name, routing_key, declare_exchange=False, declare_kwargs=None)[source]

Add exchange binding to the bindings list

NOTE: Actual exchange binding is happening during the consumer start up, when the connection with RabbitMQ established. Invoking this method after the connection is already established won’t take affect until the consumer re-establishes the connection. The method restart() can be called to force the consumer to disconnect and reconnect again, doing exchange binding as part of that process.


AssertionError if declare_exchange is True and declare_kwargs is None or ‘type’ is not in declare_kwargs

  • exchange_name (str) – name of the exchange to bind to.
  • routing_key (str) – binding routing key.
  • declare_exchange (bool) – should declare exchange before binding.
  • declare_kwargs (dict) – is exchange_declare() arguments.

declare_kwargs dict:

'exchange_type': `required`,
'durable': `optional`, default to ``False``.
'auto_delete': `optional`, default to ``False``
'internal': `optional`, default to ``False``
`arguments`: `optional` additional exchange declaration arguments
add_handler(matcher_or_pattern, target, target_kwargs=None)[source]

Construct and add a routing rule for the provided handler.

Handlers are added as routing rules. A routing rule (Rule) is an object that contains a matcher (Matcher) instance, target (Handler subclass or a Router instance), and target kwargs. A routing rule is constructed and added routing rules list.

matcher is an instance of Matcher (can be a str explained later) which calling its match() method, passing Envelope instance, returns True or False indicating match or no match.

target can be a Handler subclass or a Router instance. When a Router instance is provided as a target, it will act as a sub-router which has its own routing logic. This way, a chain of routers can be constructed.

target_kwargs is a dict passed to the handler initialize() hook method.

When finding a handler, the Rule Router (which the consumer is based on) goes through the list of rules sequentially in the order they were added, invoking the matcher’s match method of the each rule.

In case the router finds a match whose target is a router (sub-router) instance, its find_handler() is invoked it find handler

In case, the match target is a subclass of Handler, the router creates a handler instance, invokes its initialize() method passing the handler kwargs, then returns it.

The router stops upon first match, returning the handler to the consumer.

If a default_handler or default_rule is set, a default rule is added to the end of the routing rules list which will catch all unmatched messages.

The router returns None when there is no match and no default_rule is set.

Since the rules of the Rule Router (which the consumer is based on) are checked sequentially, more specific handlers should be added first, then generic ones later.

When passed matcher is a string, the default matcher MessageTypeMatches is constructed and the passed string is its message type regular expression string

  • matcher (Matcher|str) – a Matcher instance used to determin the match or a pattern string used for the default matcher type MessageTypeMatches as its message type regx pattern.
  • target (Type[Handler]|Router) – a subclass of Handler or a Router instance.
  • target_kwargs (dict) – a dict of kwargs that are passed to handler initialize() method. Only used when the target is a Handler subclass

Raise HandlingError exception.

This method can be called inside the handler or invoked by the consumer in case of an error happened while handling the message. This method raises HandlingError which is handled by the consumer. The consumer will retry handling the message if a retry policy is set or reject the message incase no retry policy is set. When calling this method inside the handler, it should be called during pre_handle() or handle().

Raise:HandlingError when called

NOTE: when called inside the handler, the handler should re-raise HandlingError exception to the consumer, in case the exception is handled inside.

Parameters:error_msg (str) – Error message

Restart consumer.

Close the connection and reconnect again.

set_default_handler(default_target, default_target_kwargs=None)[source]

Construct and add default routing rule for the given target

This method constructs a routing rule for the given target and pass it to set_default_rule().

  • default_target (Type[Handler]) – Default target, which will catch all unmatched message. “None” means unset default target, unmached messages will be sent to dlx.
  • default_target_kwargs (dict) – a dict of kwargs that are passed to handler initialize() method. Only used when the target is a Handler subclass

Set retry policy.

Retry policy can be an instance of any RetryPolicy subclass.

Parameters:retry_policy (RetryPolicy) – an instance of a retry policy

Skip handling the message.

This can be called during pre_handle() or handle() to skip handling. It raises SkipHandling exception. The exception is handled by the consumer, and causes the consumer to ack and skip the message.

Raise:SkipHandling when called

NOTE: when called inside the handler, the handler should re-raise SkipHandling exception to the consumer, in case the exception is handled inside.

Parameters:reason (str) – Reason for skipping handling the message

Start consumer.


Stop consumer.


Unset retry policy.

rabbitleap.envelope module

class rabbitleap.envelope.Envelope(properties, payload, delivery_info)[source]

Bases: object

Message envelope

Message properties, payload, and delivery information are all contained in this Envelope class. Envelope is what is passed to the handler instance for handling.


Retrun message app id.

This is a shortcut for self.properties.app_id.


Retrun message cluster id.

This is a shortcut for self.properties.cluster_id.


Retrun message consumer tag.

This is a shortcut for self.delivery_info.consumer_tag.


Retrun message content encoding.

This is a shortcut for self.properties.content_encoding.


Retrun message content type.

This is a shortcut for self.properties.content_type.


Retrun message correlation id.

This is a shortcut for self.properties.correlation_id.


Retrun message delivery mode.

This is a shortcut for self.properties.delivery_mode.


Retrun message delivery tag.

This is a shortcut for self.delivery_info.delivery_tag.


Retrun message exchange.

This is a shortcut for self.delivery_info.exchange.


Retrun message expiration.

This is a shortcut for self.properties.expiration.


Get message header.


Retrun message headers.

This is a shortcut for self.properties.headers.


Retrun message message id.

This is a shortcut for self.properties.message_id.


Retrun message priority.

This is a shortcut for self.properties.priority.


Retrun message redelivered.

This is a shortcut for self.delivery_info.redelivered.


Retrun message reply_to.

This is a shortcut for self.properties.reply_to.


Retrun message routing key.

This is a shortcut for self.delivery_info.routing_key.

set_header(header, value)[source]

Set message header


Retrun message timestamp.

This is a shortcut for self.properties.timestamp.


Retrun message type.

This is a shortcut for self.properties.type.


Retrun user id.

This is a shortcut for self.properties.user_id.

rabbitleap.exceptions module

exception rabbitleap.exceptions.AbortHandling(reason=None)[source]

Bases: Exception

This exception is raised when abort() method is called.

This exception is handled by the consumer to abort handling the message and reject it.

exception rabbitleap.exceptions.HandlingError(error_msg=None)[source]

Bases: Exception

This exception is raised when error() method is called.

This exception is raise when error() method is called upon error in handling message. The exception is handled by the consumer to retry the handling message if a retry policy is set, or reject it otherwise.

exception rabbitleap.exceptions.SkipHandling(reason=None)[source]

Bases: Exception

This exception is raised when skip() method is called.

This exception is handled by the consumer to skip handling the message.

rabbitleap.handling module

Handlers what actually consume message envelopes. When the router routes an envelope and returns a handler instance to the Consumer, the Consumer executes the handler by invoking its pre_handle(), handle(), and post_handle() methods respectively.

class rabbitleap.handling.Handler(envelope, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for envelope handlers.

envelope is a reference to the given message envelope.

Subclasses MUST implement handle() method.


initialize(): initialization hook used to initialize the handler with kwargs.

pre_handle(): pre handling method invoked before handle().

handle(): to be implemented by the subclasses for the actual handling logic.

post_handle(): post handling method invoked after handle().


Handle message envelope.

This method is invoked by the Consumer after invoking pre_handle(). The actual envelope handling should happen in this method.

Handler subclasses MUST implement this method.


Initialize handler.

This method is an initialization hook for the handler.


Post handle message envelope.

This method is invoked by the consumer after invoking handle(). It’s meant for clean up and logging after the actual handling

Handler subclasses can override this method to add post handling logic.


Pre handle message envelope.

This method is invoked by the Consumer before invoking handle(). It’s meant for validation and preparation before the actual handling.

Handler subclasses can override this method to add pre handling logic.

class rabbitleap.handling.MessageHandler(consumer, envelope, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: rabbitleap.handling.Handler

Message handler.

This class extens the Handler class with methods used to reject and skip envelopes, also report handling error. It hold a reference to:class:.Consumer instance which does the execution.


initialize(): initialization method, a hook initialize the handler with kwargs.

pre_handle(): pre handling method invoked before handle().

handle(): overridden by the subclass implementing the handling logic.

post_handle(): post handling method invoked after handle().

error(): a shortcut for Consumer.error() to raise HandlingError exception.

abort(): a shortcut for Consumer.abort() to reject message.

skip(): a shortcut for Consumer.skip() to skip message handling.


Abort handling the message.

This method is a shortcut for Consumer.abort().

NOTE: when called inside the handler, the handler should re-raise AbortHandling exception to the consumer if the exception is handled inside it.

Parameters:reason (str) – Reason for aborting handling the message.

Shortcut for self.consumer.channel.


Raise HandlingError exception.

This method is a shortcut for Consumer.error().

Raise:HandlingError when called.

NOTE: when called inside the handler, the handler should re-raise HandlingError exception to the consumer, in case the exception is handled inside.

Parameters:error_msg (str) – Error message.

Skip handling the message.

This method is a shortcut for Consumer.skip().

NOTE: when called inside the handler, the handler should re-raise SkipHandling exception to the consumer if the exception is handled inside it.

Parameters:reason (str) – Reason for skipping handling the message.

rabbitleap.retry_policies module

Noting is perfect, errors and timeouts may happen, and when such failures happen, the consumer has to decide what to do with that. By default, the consumer would reject the envelope (RabbitMQ message) when a failure happens. However, errors and timeouts issues, unless there is a software bug, usually solved with retries. Just like the routing, the consumer doesn’t make the retry decision itself, the consumer delegates it to a retry policy. Retry policy defines how the retry is performed. Retries usually happens with back-offs to avoid worsening the situation by hammering other services with more requests, especially if it was a timeout issue. The consumer can be configured to use a retry policy by calling Consumer.set_retry_policy(), passing an instance of RetryPolicy. When a retry policy is set, the consumer won’t reject messages, but rather, it send them to the retry policy to deal with the situation by invoking RetryPolicy.retry() method. Based on it’s implementation, The retry policy decides how to do retries.

There are 4 different retry policies available:

  1. UnlimitedRetriesPolicy, Unlimited retries policy
  2. LimitedRetriesPolicy, Limited retries policy
  3. FixedDelayUnlimitedRetriesPolicy, Fixed delay unlimited retries policy
  4. FixedDelayLimitedRetriesPolicy, Fixed delay limited retries policy

Custom retry policies can be created by implementing the base class RetryPolicy

class rabbitleap.retry_policies.BaseRetryPolicy(consumer, retry_queue_suffix='retry', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: rabbitleap.retry_policies.RetryPolicy

Base retry policy class for UnlimitedRetriesPolicy and LimitedRetriesPolicy.

It has implementation for geting mesage death count and retry queue creation.


Declare a retry queue for the provided delay.

Each different delay has a different queue where all retry messages with the same delay will be sent to till they expire and get sent back to the original queue for handling retry. The queue is declared with a TTL and automatically gets deleted. The queue TTL is equal to the provided delay. The retry queue’s dead letter exchange is (default) direct exchange and the dead letter routing key is the original queue name where the messages originally came from. The messages will be sent back to the original queue when they reach their TTL, for handling retry.

The retry queue is redeclared before every a new message is sent to it. Redeclaration resets the queue’s TTL, preventing it from being destroyed.

Parameters:delay (int) – Retry delay in seconds
Returns:retry queue name
Return type:str

Return the death count of a message by examining “x-death” header.

Parameters:envelope (Envelope) – Message envelope
Return int:death count

Save original message delivery infomation in a header.

class rabbitleap.retry_policies.FixedDelayLimitedRetriesPolicy(consumer, delay, retries_limit, retry_queue_suffix='retry', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: rabbitleap.retry_policies.LimitedRetriesPolicy

Fixed delay limited retries policy.

This is an implementation of RetryPolicy which does fix backoff delay, limited number of retries.

consumer: consumer instance

delay: retry delay in seconds.

retries_limit: retries limit count.

retry_queue_suffix: suffix str used when naming retry queues.

class rabbitleap.retry_policies.FixedDelayUnlimitedRetriesPolicy(consumer, delay, retry_queue_suffix='retry', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: rabbitleap.retry_policies.UnlimitedRetriesPolicy

Fixed delay unlimited retries policy.

This is an implementation of RetryPolicy which does fix backoff delay, unlimited retries.

consumer: consumer instance

delay: retry delay in seconds

retry_queue_suffix: suffix str used when naming retry queues.

class rabbitleap.retry_policies.LimitedRetriesPolicy(consumer, retry_delays, retry_queue_suffix='retry', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: rabbitleap.retry_policies.BaseRetryPolicy

Limited Retries Policy.

This is an implementation of RetryPolicy which does incremental backoff, limited number of retries.

consumer: message consumer instance

retry_delays: immutable list of retry backoff delays in seconds. Message is sent to dlx when this list is exhausted. e.g (1, 5, 10, 60, 5 * 60)

retry_queue_suffix: suffix str used when naming retry queues.


Send message to retry queue to retry handling it later.

Death count is calculated by examining ‘x-death’ header. Based on the death count, the message is sent to a retry queue where it waits there till it expires and gets sent back to the original queue for handling retry.

The death count is used as an index for retry_delays list. Where each item in the list represents a retry delay in seconds.

The message will be rejected if the death count exceeded the length of retry_delays list.

Parameters:envelope (Envelope) – Message envelope
class rabbitleap.retry_policies.RetryPolicy(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for retry policies.

Subclasses MUST implement retry() method.


This method is implemented by the subclass.

class rabbitleap.retry_policies.UnlimitedRetriesPolicy(consumer, initial_delay, max_delay, delay_incremented_by, retry_queue_suffix='retry', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: rabbitleap.retry_policies.BaseRetryPolicy

Unlimited Retries Policy.

This is an implementation of RetryPolicy which does incremental backoff, unlimited retries.

initial_delay: is the initial/first backoff delay in seconds

delay_incremented_by: is number of seconds the backoff should be incremented by after each death

max_delay: is the final/maximum backoff delay in seconds that should net be exceeded


Send message to retry queue to retry handling it later.

Death count is calculated by examining ‘x-death’ header. Based on the death count, the message is sent to a retry queue where it waits there till it expires and gets sent back to the original queue for handling retry.

Parameters:envelope (Envelope) – Message envelope

rabbitleap.routing module

When the Consumer receives a message from RabbitMQ, it prepares an Envelope object of that message, for the handler. However, the prepared envelope somehow needs to be routed to its handler, where it’s actually consumed. The envelope may be routed based on the message type, payload, or any other criteria; It depends on the routing logic. For this reason, the consumer doesn’t make the routing decisions itself, it delegates the routing to a router. The router sits between the consumer and handlers. Its responsibility is, to route each incoming envelope to its handler, returning the handler to the consumer for execution.

class rabbitleap.routing.AnyMatches[source]

Bases: rabbitleap.routing.Matcher

Match all messages macher

This matcher matches nothing. It always returns False. It’s used in RuleRouter when a default rule is set to catch all unroutable envelopes


Always return True

class rabbitleap.routing.Matcher[source]

Bases: object

Base class for matchers

This is the base class for matcher. Matcher is used by Rule to check if its target can handle the given Envelope or not

Subclasses MUST implement match() method.


Return True or False indicating the target can handle the message.

This method accepts an Envelope object as an argument and returns boolean, indicating whether the target can handle the envelope or not.

Subclasses MUST implement this method

Parameters:envelope (Envelope) – Message envelope
Returns:can handle or not
Return type:bool
class rabbitleap.routing.MessageTypeMatches(message_type_pattern)[source]

Bases: rabbitleap.routing.Matcher

Match messages based on message type macher

This matcher does match based on the message type.

The message type is provided as a regular expression string or a compiled re.Pattern

The matcher returns True when find a match in the message type, or False otherwise.


Return True or False indicating the target can handle the message.

This method accepts an Envelope object as an argument and returns boolean, indicating whether the target can handle the envelope or not.

Subclasses MUST implement this method

Parameters:envelope (Envelope) – Message envelope
Returns:can handle or not
Return type:bool
class rabbitleap.routing.NoneMatches[source]

Bases: rabbitleap.routing.Matcher

Match noting macher

This matcher matches nothing. It always returns False.


Always return False

class rabbitleap.routing.Router(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for routers.

Subclasses MUST implement find_handler()


Find a handler

This method expects an Envelope object as an argument and returns a Handler instance to its caller or None, indicating the given envelope is unroutable.

Subclasses routers MUST implement method.

class rabbitleap.routing.Rule(matcher, target, target_kwargs=None)[source]

Bases: object

A matching rule.

A rule (routing rule) is an object that links a matcher (Matcher) instance, to a target.

The matcher is used to determines whether the target can handler the envelope. The target can be a Handler class or a Router instance (sub-router). The target arguments is a dictionary passed to the newly created handler for initialization.

class rabbitleap.routing.RuleRouter(consumer, default_rule=None)[source]

Bases: rabbitleap.routing.Router

Rule router.

Rule Router is an implementation of the base class Router. It uses routing rules to route envelopes to handlers. The rule router maintains a list routing rules, through which it goes sequentially to find a handler for a given envelope. Rules added to the router are appended to the end of its rules list, and since the router goes through the routing rules sequentially in the order they’re added, more specific rules should be added first, then the general ones later.

A routing rule is an instance of the class Rule. It has 3 fields, a Matcher, target, and target arguments field. The matcher is used to determines whether the target can handle the envelope. The target can be a Handler class or a Router instance (sub-router). The target arguments is a dictionary passed to the newly created handler for initialization.

When the target is a Handler class, the router creates an instance of it, then returns the instance to the caller. However, if the target is a Router instance, it would act as a sub-router (child router). The parent router delegates finding the handler to the child router. The sub-router doesn’t have to be of the same type, it can be any Router implementation. Chained routers let one router delegates the routing to the next one.

The rule router returns None when the given envelope is unroutable (no handler can handle it). However, the rule router may be configured with a default routing rule which catches all unroutable envelopes, check set_default_rule().

Rule router always creates a new handler instance when its find_handler() is called, even for the same envelope, except when the rule’s target is a Router instance, which may have different implementation and may not return a new instance.

Actually, the Consumer itself is a Rule Router. It implements extra stuff to communicate with RabbitMQ.


Add a routing rule to the routing rules list.

A routing rule is added to the end of routing rules list, just before the default rule which is always the last one.

A routing rule is an instance of the class Rule. It has 3 fields, a Matcher, target, and target arguments field. The matcher is used to determines whether the target can handler the envelope. The target can be a Handler class or a Router instance (sub-router). The target arguments is a dictionary passed to the newly created handler for initialization.

Since the rules of the Rule Router are checked sequentially in the order they added, more specific rules should be added first, then generic ones later.

Parameters:rule (Rule) – routing rule instance.

Find and return a handler

The router goes through the routing rules list sequentially to find a handler for the given envelope.

When the target, in matched Rule, is a Handler class, an instance of it is created and returned. However, if the target is a Router instance, it would act as a sub-router. The sub-router’s find_handler() is invoked to get a Handler instance.

None is returned when the given envelope is unroutable (no handler can handle it). However, if a default rule is set, its handler instance will be returned

NOTE: The router always creates a new handler instance for each find handler call, even for the same message.

Parameters:envelope (Envelope) – Message envelope
Return Handler:Handler instance

Set default rule.

Default rule, when set, it catches all unroutable envelopes.

Parameters:rule (Rule) – default routing rule which catches all unmatched messages. None will unset default rule

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